Friday, September 27, 2024

Artistic view

 This has been published before.  I have no idea how I got to this, but I still like it.  It is Cougar, but whether first or last I am not sure, but I think the second one.  I would dearly love to be able to hold either of them again.

It has been busy the past two days for me...I won't go into details.  Nothing actually fun though...and part of that is I am just slower than I used to be.  

Last night Roger said he was not feeling too good, but did eat a little bit.  Tonight he is refusing anything.   Says he just feels sick at his stomach.  So will see how he feels.  I have had that feeling a few times myself and it did not amount to anything.  But it always worries me when he feels bad.


  1. Please keep us posted on Roger! I hope it doesn't amount to anything. The cat image is wonderful, so artistic!

  2. I've thought about purchasing a watercolor app (I think it used to be free if you had an Apple phone) but alas I'm too cheap. ;o)

    Hope Roger is doing better. Four legs or two, it always worries me when someone won't eat.

  3. I'm sorry he won't eat. Have you tried applesauce? Sometimes homemade or even store bought, but sometimes apples stimulate the appitete. Sending well wishes.


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