Sunday, September 29, 2024

From Lorelei

 It's Gus again...he is my grandpup....Lorelei sent me this and the one below the other day.

He is just such a sweet dog...and so loves his daddy.  If he has to work beyond Gus's bedtime, Gus whines till he comes home...and soon as Jeremy is there, Gus is in his lap, by his side, claiming him as his own.  Letting him know he was missed.

I won't risk saying Roger is all better, but he does seem to feel better tonight.  He felt better yesterday morn but when evening came he still did not feel too well.

So we will see how it goes.  


  1. Night times always seem to bring a set back for our health, not sure why. I hope Roger feels better tomorrow. Gus is adorable and very sweet that he waits for Jeremy to get into his lap.

  2. What an adorable pup! I hope Roger continues to feel better.

  3. Glad he feels better tonight. Cute grandpup.


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