Saturday, July 6, 2024

Running out of puzzles....

 I have one puzzle that I just opened today....of course my daughter has a lot she has worked that I haven't.  So I could work one of those.   Or rework one of my old ones.   Better still would be for me to get hand sewing to do.  But I still wouldn't touch it while cooking because I would manage to transfer something from the kitchen to the fabric.


Roger's dr. appt was just for a check-up and to get prescriptions renewed.  And he had a spot on his chest that I was worried about.  But it is nothing.  I cannot pronounce what she called it, let alone spell it.  But I could have jumped for joy.  And she is going to contact a cardiologist that she says is real going to try to have faith that we get a good one again.  That is how we got Roger's other one...I ask our nurse practitioner, and she said I will contact so and so....and try to get him...he is really good and I really like him.  And look how good that turned out.  

The more we see this little family dr. the more I like her.  She is never in a hurry, but she does get us in and out.  One thing she is watching would have needed bloodwork in another month and she said lets just do it now till you don't have to come back.  And another visit in October.


Got to meet my great niece and nephew this afternoon talk about two cute kids!  The youngest would give the best hugs...a little boy.  He is two...and his sister is a couple years older...and never sits still.  And has the most beautiful eyes!  


  1. It is hard to find such a wonderful doctor that we can trust. I love the fox in the puzzle.

  2. I had to laugh at the thought of transferring cooking stains to your sewing - that is exactly the sort of thing that would happen to me! :) xx

  3. Glad you found a doctor you like. It seems that's not easy to do any more.
    How awesome that you got to meet your great niece and nephew. Do they live close?

  4. I have been thinking of finding a small puzzle to try for me and bob, we both don't like them, but who knows, we may have changed. I need to get myself to the thrift store and just try one. maybe dollar tree has them.
    so happy to hear you found a doctor you like, hope they can get a good cardio doc.. we do not care for bob's but he is better than none.

  5. Meeting extended family can be such great fun! You are fortunate to have such great medical care. Ours is difficult to access.

  6. from one puzzle enthusiast to another, you can never have enough puzzles!!

  7. Pretty puzzle photo! Having a good family doctor is very important.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  8. Sounds like you had a blessed week for sure. Those kiddos are just the cutest kids - I have seen only pictures and videos - but so precious.
    Have a wonderful week.

  9. I'm so happy your doctor results were very favorable. I love having a good, caring, not in a hurry doctor. They are few and far between. I love when getting to know family. I was at a family gathering yesterday (Dave was under the weather) It was so hot but their home is on a small river so we all sat down by it and stayed pretty cool. Temps got up to 110F. Shade, plenty of water and splashes from the river made it a wonderful afternoon for celebrating someone's birthday.

  10. Sounds like a great doctor!!
    I don't know if I will be able to wait for the first snow to do one of our new puzzles!! :)

  11. Certainly sounds a great Doctor.

    All the best Jan

  12. How great that you found a good family doctor...and that the appointment went well. And how nice that you met the little great niece and nephew and they don't sound a bit shy. Always a possibility with little ones.


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