The photos have the date they were taken on them...seems like it is nothing but gray skies around here. Wednesday was nothing but a sheet of ice everywhere, except late in the afternoon the main roads were a bit safer to drive on.

Right now, we are getting some rain and it seems to be melting some of the ice and snow, but it is supposed to get colder before morning so it is apt to be another sheet of ice. At least we don't have to get out in it, and my daughter don't go into work till later in the day. That is a good thing, cause normally she is leaving here between 5:30 and 6:00.
I did get presents wrapped today...I still need to do just a bit more shopping. I am not sure if I will try to get out tomorrow or not. I definitely will not go on the weekend. I won't go on the weekend unless it is absolutely necessary even in normal times.
Every year when I wrap presents, I cannot help but remember when we were kids...wrapping paper was not something we had in any large amount. If it comes right down to it, neither were presents. I don't remember if my brothers tried to take their paper off and save it, or if my mom and I just went through it and tried to save the best of it. But we did save wrapping paper from year to year to reuse.
And then there was the Christmas tree. I only remember my brother and I going to hunt the Christmas tree. Not Neal and George, but Robert. Though I am sure they were the ones that went when I was really young, I just don't remember it. Down where we were from, if a field had been cleared and not taken care of or cultivated, cedar trees would start growing at the drop of a hat. So our Christmas trees were cedar...seems like I remember having pine a time or two, but not real sure. Maybe Neal or George will tell me...
But when Mom would finally let us go get one, Robert and I would take off and the hunt was on. We had acres and acres to look on--all belonging to neighbors cause we didn't have any cedars on our property. (The neighbors didn't mind.) It really wasn't all that far to walk, but it would be by today's standards. Anyway, we would search and search till we found the perfect tree. Or as near perfect as we could get...I don't think we ever found a perfect one. But that was one of the highlights of the year for me. I think all we had for decorations was a few of the big colored lights, maybe some tinsel, and the silver garland, and a few bulbs. So these thoughts were going through my head part of the day.
Later, my little sewing friend, Kay, was over after school for a while. I don't so much try to teach her, unless she asks me specifically to show her something, but I do take her down to the sewing machines and let her just sew. She is content just to sew straight lines. Or to fold pieces of fabric and sew...just anything. Other times she wants to work on sewing squares together.
I know that is how my mom got me started sewing...she just showed me how to run the machine basically, and let me have at it. Of course, that was with a treadle sewing machine, so I feel just a little bit more security oriented with electric machines.
She found some old crochet needles 3 or 4 days ago, and has been so intrigued by them. I don't crochet; I do know how to make some stitches and at one time I half taught myself to read instructions, but was so slow at it I just decided I had enough hobbies anyway. So, Kay kept wanting to know how to use them...so I showed her how to do chain stitching...then she decided she could do that with her hands alone. So that occupied her for a little while. I think though, that the sewing machines is going to be her one true love.
I do try to teach her little bits here and there, but I also like that she just enjoys sewing. I actually think if she keeps it up, she could really be an artist with the machines. Right now she has no fear.
I am gradually getting sleepy, so will go read a bit. Maybe a book, maybe blogs because I haven't had time to check on any of them today.