Friday, July 31, 2009
Simon's Cat 'Fly Guy'
I just have to share this....I found it by accident today. I have seen the other three Simon's Cat videos, but this was new to me. Cats--you gotta love 'em!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Pretty + Prettier
Not sure if I will get time to visit tonight...I have things I need to do. My Cougar used me as a race track early this morn till I got up and let him out. I am worn I need to get to bed early if possible. But will see how that goes.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The sun.....
That is the sun....trying to penetrate the fog that was hovering over and around the Wabash River as we left town the other morning. The picture was underexposed, so I used fill flash to lighten it a little bit. I liked the under-exposed version, too.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Have you ever seen a house like this?

Sunday, July 26, 2009
From the back yard garden spot

As for the bell peppers, we cleaned them and I cut them into strips. I put a handful in a sandwich baggie and close the flap. Then I place all the pepper filled sandwich baggies into a large gallon sized Ziploc baggie and freeze for later use. I use them in chili and sometimes spaghetti sauce. And instead of making stuffed peppers, I make a bell pepper casserole. I also will use them in stir-fry if I don't have a fresh one available.
I sure enjoy eating tomatoes straight from the garden...right now I am eating them with salt. Later I will start using Italian salad dressing part of the time. And have you ever taken your favorite veggies-- in my case it is tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, onions, bell peppers--anyway, cut them in bite sized pieces. Use a big bowl that has a lid, and cover with Italian dressing....let soak over night preferably. They are so yummy and refreshing on a hot summer day.
Green Township Public School: the remains

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Another barn
Weekly chore

And I think about the phone...they don't have a phone ringing interrupting a meal, nor interrupting visiting with someone. Yet, if I were Amish, I would not be talking to my brother at least once or twice a week, or any other family member on a whim. It would be a great deal more trouble to talk to someone that was far away.
I guess if you have never known any thing different, you don't feel like you are missing anything.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Strip pits again==but not the last time I am sure

So, we went on and had our ice cream, and before we got home Roger asked me if I wanted to go on to the strip pits. I never say no to that, so out there is where we ended up. Even when we got to the strip pits, the ones to the west and northwest are not as good as I wish they were. Even so, the one above kind of gives you a feel for it.

I best get moving...I have to go to the grocery store to pick up things we need.
Monday, July 20, 2009
A couple of beauties

Betsy asked me about my kitty, Cougar. She wondered if he stays home now. The answer is no, he doesn't. So far he doesn't leave as often, though I am honestly about afraid to say that. And he's skinny! He comes home with all kinds of little burrs. My older daughter was up and she thought he was Puss Puss he was so little. If you met him out anywhere, you would swear that no one loves him. He eats....he just don't put any way back on. Now he is even more like the Cougar he was named after. If he would only be like him--my original Cougar was never out of earshot that I remember. If I called his name, he would be here shortly.
I had something else happen that I was/am almost too embarrassed to tell. Remember I took Cougar to the vet for his cold, and that was on a Saturday? The following Monday, Bubbie was not at the door waiting, but when I stepped out the door enough to call his name he came from around the house, slinking in and looking back over his shoulder like something was after him.
He came in and ran to our bedroom, did not bother to eat. I went and got him, and brought him back to feed him, but he turned right around and ran back to our bedroom again. He did not eat nor drink, nor come out of our room for about 36 hours. We thought he was going to die, but decided to just wait and see. He came out a few times after that first 36 hours, I had brought kitty litter up from the basement because he just seemed to weak to do anything.
I forgot to mention that we could not find any kind of sore or sore spot on him. We checked him over two or three times. Nothing.
Remember this happened on Monday morn early, before Lorelei got here. Tuesday night and Wednesday he was out a few times, ate just a bite or two and drank a little bit. Then he spent another 36 hours in our room, not moving. I think he went to the kitty litter once. I get up before daylight Saturday morn, and he is in the living room, and barely breathing. I had to feel of him to tell that he was still alive...he did not respond at all. I got my pillow and laid on the floor with him for a while...finally got up and went back to bed.
I would not get up before Roger because I didn't want to be the one to find him dead. So laid there and waited, and Roger got up...and he didn't come back. So, I got up to see what was going on, and Bubbie was in the kitchen waiting for Roger to feed him. And he has basically not looked back; well he had one day of not being himself...but seems to feel fine now.
We both would love to know what happened...the first time he went outside after that, he was definitely afraid. He was looking up and around like he was afraid something would get him. He basically stays in the yard. He comes in and sleeps all day, and likes to go out at night. But almost any time I look out or go outside, he is somewhere near.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
A buggy kind of day

Anyway, it would try to fly with it and could almost take off, but not quite make it. Then it would crawl around and eventually try to take it through the cracks in the porch but it was too big to fit through that. It eventually got tired of trying and left it laying there, to be enjoyed by the cats later. Or at least Mama Cat...she batted it around for a while and then left it laying.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
What to post....

Will the real tiger lily please stand up?
Friday, July 17, 2009
A lucky find!

On over in the woods, were more but most of them were done past the picking stage. If not, we would have had some to freeze. We have frozen them before and had good success.
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lorelei is sleeping, but she usually doesn't sleep for long. About 30 minutes at most, twice a day. Every now and then, if I am lucky, maybe once a week she will go down for a whole hour.
I have a quick job or two I need to do, so thought I would hurry and post this.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Neal, does this bring back memories?

We didn't own a haybaler or rake either, but my older brother helped two or three other farmers so much that he was always welcome to use their equipment, and I know one of them always baled for him, but don't know if they did the raking. I think he did the raking, and they started bailing, and when George got done raking, they started the process of loading and hauling in the hay.
I think they held the record for getting in the most hay in one day....Neal don't remember this, but I am almost positive I remember them putting up a bit over a 1,000 bails in one day. I don't know who drove for them, I am thinking it might have been my other brother....but it was just George and Neal to load and haul it and put it in the barn. That is the part that makes it a record in my opinion. It was well after dark when they got done.....but it was done.
Well, storms are moving in and Lorelei will be here shortly. I best get moving and get this posted till I can unplug the computers.
Monday, July 13, 2009
A real beauty

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Choices to make....
Please click and enlarge for the full effect of her smile!

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