I got texts messages the other day...I think I told someone I got a call...but it was text message along with two or three photos.
Look close at the bottom of the window...see that tiny squirrel? It is a baby...and she was wondering about making friends with it. I suggested sunflower seeds, and if she had an apple to cut in open. She wondered why an apple...I told her cause it has a strong scent and that is how I made friends with Mama Squirrel. But she didn't have an apple. She ask about a strawberry...I said try it. so, we texted a minute more and I had not heard any more.
I got a phone call yesterday evening, and there was all this excitement in her voice and she said 'Guess what, Mamaw!'
Well, I knew right away she had had success.
You cannot see it, but she said she could not stop smiling the whole time. There are two or three babies, and one of them did take the strawberry and went up the tree to eat it.
Just thought I would share this bit of happiness...
Hope you all are having a good weekend.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
This was originally posted in 2008. Since then, the house has burned down. So much has changed up there that it does not seem like the same place. I don't know if any one that reads my blog now has read this. Partly cause I cannot remember if I have ever reposted it.

I debated on posting about this but I just want to share it, though I doubt if I can make you understand the way I feel about this place.
The other picture is one of the views we had from our front yard. And you go on up the holler past that barn to get to the place that Neal and all of us lived...where most of us were born. (I was and one brother was born in the hospital.)
When we lived up there, my mom's best friend lived at this house pictured here.
Out by the barn, I had a garden that would be by most standards a big garden--I had potatoes, tomatoes, sweet corn, hickory cane corn with cornfield beans growing up those stalks, bush beans , cucumbers, and what all else I cannot remember. I canned beans, and sold beans, and canned sliced green tomatoes and made tomato juice. And canned whole tomatoes. We bought peaches and I canned those.
My husband could shoot his guns off the front porch if he wanted, though he always got out in the front yard and used a picnic table as a rest. He could get in I think 500 yard shots to sight in his rifles....he could shoot his bows in the front yard as well...it was the ideal for us.
I got to stay home while he first got a job at a local college, and from there a lumber yard, and then he got to go to a vocational school and learn to weld. Well, being a little older than the students out of high school, he got along real well with his teacher who was a wonderful man.
There was also machine shop classes taught there--and it had a remedial course it taught two nights a week for people that needed refresher courses.
I do not know what the hold is that this place has over me...most of the time autumn makes me so homesick for it. And I dream about it...not as often as I used to, but often enough. And I don't like to wake from the dreams. I always try to go back to sleep and dream more. There is just a feel to the place...it has always had a hold over me.
When we were kids, the owners of this place lived in Michigan and we mowed the yard for them. I loved having that excuse to go up there and go in the house. It never seemed to get hot enough to matter in the summer...about all we ever did when we lived there was open the window in our bedroom and open the back door. The cool air coming off that mountain cooled everything out.
I am linking this to Timeless Thursdays...a bit late.

Once upon a time, when my husband and I were young and had stars in our eyes and thought all things were possible, we decided to quit our jobs here in Terre Haute, Indiana and move to Tennessee, my home state. We moved to the little house/cabin in the top picture. I have no idea how old it is, but I have loved that place since I can remember. I still love it, and would move there in a heartbeat--though I don't know what I would do with all my sewing and my husbands things would not fit anywhere there. But there is no house on earth that I would trade that place for if it were mine.
The other picture is one of the views we had from our front yard. And you go on up the holler past that barn to get to the place that Neal and all of us lived...where most of us were born. (I was and one brother was born in the hospital.)
When we lived up there, my mom's best friend lived at this house pictured here.
In our case, my best friend/sister-in-law lived less than half a mile on down the road from us, and my mom a little bit farther. I visited with both daily, either by phone or actual face to face...and it took me forever to be broke from that when we moved back to Indiana. But it was so good while it lasted.
Out by the barn, I had a garden that would be by most standards a big garden--I had potatoes, tomatoes, sweet corn, hickory cane corn with cornfield beans growing up those stalks, bush beans , cucumbers, and what all else I cannot remember. I canned beans, and sold beans, and canned sliced green tomatoes and made tomato juice. And canned whole tomatoes. We bought peaches and I canned those.
My husband could shoot his guns off the front porch if he wanted, though he always got out in the front yard and used a picnic table as a rest. He could get in I think 500 yard shots to sight in his rifles....he could shoot his bows in the front yard as well...it was the ideal for us.
I got to stay home while he first got a job at a local college, and from there a lumber yard, and then he got to go to a vocational school and learn to weld. Well, being a little older than the students out of high school, he got along real well with his teacher who was a wonderful man.
There was also machine shop classes taught there--and it had a remedial course it taught two nights a week for people that needed refresher courses.
Roger talked to that teacher and he agreed to let Roger come and set in on those...he would not get credit or anything but he would still have some knowledge of lathes, etc. So he really took advantage of everything he could there and it has served him well throughout his life.
I do not know what the hold is that this place has over me...most of the time autumn makes me so homesick for it. And I dream about it...not as often as I used to, but often enough. And I don't like to wake from the dreams. I always try to go back to sleep and dream more. There is just a feel to the place...it has always had a hold over me.
When we were kids, the owners of this place lived in Michigan and we mowed the yard for them. I loved having that excuse to go up there and go in the house. It never seemed to get hot enough to matter in the summer...about all we ever did when we lived there was open the window in our bedroom and open the back door. The cool air coming off that mountain cooled everything out.
I am linking this to Timeless Thursdays...a bit late.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Guess what happened yesterday?
Roger actually went fishing with his buddy...above is the first pic Billy sent me of Roger with a fish...I assumed it was his first one but wish now I had ask. They have worked and 'played' together for years. Billy has tried to get him to go hunting every season since his stroke. And Roger will act like he is going to go, but then backs out.
He was absolutely worn out when he got home. I had to leave to go get the oil changed and tires rotated just a few minutes after he got home. When I got back home about 30-45 minutes later, he was sound asleep in his recliner. And when he went to bed last night he said it felt so good to lay down.
I did not do much today, but felt like I had worked hard. LOL Just some of the usual things...cooking and washing dishes. Balanced checkbook. Most people I know just glance at their statement and never actually balance it...but I always go through the motion.
That is it for this post...hope you all have a good weekend ahead.
Roger actually went fishing with his buddy...above is the first pic Billy sent me of Roger with a fish...I assumed it was his first one but wish now I had ask. They have worked and 'played' together for years. Billy has tried to get him to go hunting every season since his stroke. And Roger will act like he is going to go, but then backs out.
He was absolutely worn out when he got home. I had to leave to go get the oil changed and tires rotated just a few minutes after he got home. When I got back home about 30-45 minutes later, he was sound asleep in his recliner. And when he went to bed last night he said it felt so good to lay down.
I did not do much today, but felt like I had worked hard. LOL Just some of the usual things...cooking and washing dishes. Balanced checkbook. Most people I know just glance at their statement and never actually balance it...but I always go through the motion.
That is it for this post...hope you all have a good weekend ahead.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A bit of this and that...
I took this day before yesterday I believe...it had rained a bit so the wetness is natural, not created. I just simply love this color...but then I like all clematis colors that I have seen. It is a wonder this one survived. A groundhog tried to dig in behind it and had a mess. This was back when I was still hobbling around after I broke my leg. But survive it did and I am blessed by that.
I just have to share a couple more pics from the strip pits...I post several of these clouds over on my other blog a day or two ago. I just never tire of them. I have been a cloud watcher as long as I remember.
We saw this female turkey...it is the first time we have seen a turkey out there. We have seen them not far away from the area in both directions but I was so happy to actually see one there.
I called to get a haircut and could not get in till June 10th...there was one opening before then, but something else was happening that day and I could not go. She said I was to come and stay in the car, and she would come and get me after she sanitized after the person before me. And I am to wear a mask. I have cut on my bangs twice, but I am about ready to start on the rest of it! My hair feels like I have a wig laying up there. Yes, I have that much hair. And it is straight as can be.
I am taking our vehicle for an oil change and to get the tires rotated and balanced tomorrow...so I vacuumed it out an wiped down the inside. Plus did a half job on the windows. I could not see good enough to tell how good I was doing. But surely They are better than they were.
And I followed that up with weeding a flower bed. But I need to do more. Hopefully can get more done before the week is out.
I had breakfast for supper...and have cleaned up the kitchen.
But I have not touched my fabric nor sewing machine this day...not even in passing.
It poured the rain soon as I was done for the day, and for a while the sun was shining through all the heavy rain. It rained a good half hour, eventually was dark all over, and now I can see blue sky through the windows!
I hope everyone is having a good week.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
First, before I get into this post, I want to apologize for the small print of yesterday's post. I have no idea why it was that way. I have had that post started for a long time. I may have made a note in a draft email and copy and pasted it. That is the only thing I can think of.
When I notice it earlier tonight, I tried to go fix it. And had a heck of a time getting it to correct. I highlighted the entire message, and increased the size, and clicked to publish. But when I looked part of it was better and part wasn't. I went back and redid the part that the size did not increase...again, part of it 'took' and part didn't.
I just walked away for a couple hours, think we actually went on for a short drive through the strip pits and came home and finally got it fixed. Again, I am sorry for it being such a pain to read.
Peek-a-boo! This is from the strip pit late this evening. There is a better picture of one over on my Time Stand Still blog.
I did not sleep a wink last night...but did sleep a couple hours after I gave Roger his meds this morn. So today I had to stay busy or I would have fell asleep if I sat down long enough to relax. I was looking for a list I had just seen a bit back...but also wanting to get rid of some of the 'paper' stuff and I did get rid of a pretty good pile.
We ran and got a hamburger, and then I went to the sewing room and actually cleared up a small area, and then got borders ready for the leaf quilt. I have had the small border on for a few days, but was debating on if I had enough fabric for the wide border. I have an app on my phone that tells you how much you need...and it was saying I needed more than I thought I did. So since I didn't trust my mind I finally sat down with pen and paper and figured and I did have enough.
So I got two of the borders cut to size and sewed on. The other strips have been sewn together, but need to be cut to length. I am hoping I can get that done tomorrow. But I would also like to go for a longer drive, too. And I need to get up and go to Walmart early. But I might wait till Monday. I don't really like to go on the weekend.
I was going to show another pic or two from the strip pits, but will wait till another day. I just wanted to apologize about yesterday's post. Thank you for taking the time to comment...it was fun to read everyone's comments.
When I notice it earlier tonight, I tried to go fix it. And had a heck of a time getting it to correct. I highlighted the entire message, and increased the size, and clicked to publish. But when I looked part of it was better and part wasn't. I went back and redid the part that the size did not increase...again, part of it 'took' and part didn't.
I just walked away for a couple hours, think we actually went on for a short drive through the strip pits and came home and finally got it fixed. Again, I am sorry for it being such a pain to read.
Peek-a-boo! This is from the strip pit late this evening. There is a better picture of one over on my Time Stand Still blog.
I did not sleep a wink last night...but did sleep a couple hours after I gave Roger his meds this morn. So today I had to stay busy or I would have fell asleep if I sat down long enough to relax. I was looking for a list I had just seen a bit back...but also wanting to get rid of some of the 'paper' stuff and I did get rid of a pretty good pile.
We ran and got a hamburger, and then I went to the sewing room and actually cleared up a small area, and then got borders ready for the leaf quilt. I have had the small border on for a few days, but was debating on if I had enough fabric for the wide border. I have an app on my phone that tells you how much you need...and it was saying I needed more than I thought I did. So since I didn't trust my mind I finally sat down with pen and paper and figured and I did have enough.
So I got two of the borders cut to size and sewed on. The other strips have been sewn together, but need to be cut to length. I am hoping I can get that done tomorrow. But I would also like to go for a longer drive, too. And I need to get up and go to Walmart early. But I might wait till Monday. I don't really like to go on the weekend.
I was going to show another pic or two from the strip pits, but will wait till another day. I just wanted to apologize about yesterday's post. Thank you for taking the time to comment...it was fun to read everyone's comments.
Want to share your thoughts?
I just remembered I had not showed these...I think if it was convenient, that I would buy myself cut flowers every now and then. They brighten up a room so...why wait till someone dies to give flower
I saw an interesting post on another blog, I have commented a time or two on the blog but never got any kind of response*, never a return visit...never a reply through email...but I still go and read every now and then. Her post was about finding books to read.
Her topic was books to read and how she finds them.
1. If you like to read, how do you decide what to read?
2. Do you have a certain genre of books you like to read or do you read two or three types or a wide variety?
3. Do you still go to the library?
4. I know at least one of you wants an actual book to read...one of my daughters is the same way. I was the same way for a long time and resisted getting a kindle. But then I started noticing all the old books I could get free. So, I got it for those if nothing else. Then found out it was so much easier on my eyes. I could read a lot longer. Next, I found newsletters that give links to books that are on sale, or free, and have found some great books, completely free that I would never have bought.
There is the other side of that coin though...some books I want both the hard copy and the digital.
But there are some that I would never have found a hard copy.
Another thing, do you still buy and/or read magazines? I bought two quilt magazines last year, for the first time in years. I do still have a wide variety of quilt magazines here at home, and some I actually do go back and read or look at for inspiration. Some I have given to one of my daughters. But I never throw quilt magazines away. If I don't want them, some quilter will.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Photos from Lorelei...
I met Sarah at her work yesterday morn and picked up Lorelei...when we got home she started showing me pics of her babies. The above being Kitty Soft Paws. She is still one of the prettiest cats I ever saw. And has such a sweet personality.
Then we have Rosie...
I seldom see her like this...she is always playing and running around.
She is a little sweetheart...a loving little dog.
She had not good photos of Otto...he has lost his hearing, so when Sarah wants him to come inside from the yard, she tells Rosie to go get him and she does.
Just thought these might bring a smile to your face.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Another day, another iris...
I don't remember where this color came from...actually don't remember where half of them came from. But I love them all...maybe not equally, but almost equally.
Another day with the first half spent trying to accomplish two medical calls, and am now waiting on another call. But have a couple hours before it is due.
I have been out trying to pull a few weeds without getting down on my knees and find it is almost not worth it. I was getting so dizzy part of the time that I was thankful to have the garage to lean against. Funny how one minute it is fine and the next you just can't do it. So, will be on my knees to do the rest..and that is a whole other set of issues. Thank goodness I have a lot of strength in my arms.
Still having some other issues that I wish were over and done. But will just have to live through it. I am sort of learning not to let it get me down...I have been through it two other times before through the years and this is just another time to learn and go on.
The good news...I had been running a temp, it was not Covid 19...and I am on antibiotics. The dr. said my sinuses and throat were really red, red...and I had fluid on both ears. So with knowing that is all it was, maybe soon we will get to go see our girls' new homes. And get to see our grandfurbabies. Hopefully, will see Lorelei sometimes this week...she likes her new house but is wanting to come and stay with us. I just have to talk to Sarah and see what we can work out. We were all staying apart with me with the temp...or what I thought was a temp.
I got new thermometers, and yes, I did get more than one new one. I tried to get one early on, but Walmart was out. And while my old thermometer that is only about a year old still says I am running one, the new ones both read normal. The funny thing, with the old one, I take mine and it is high, but take Roger's and his temp is normal. So, still an oddity. I have not taken his with the new ones.
I am leaving you with a little video...it will warm your heart.
I hope you have a good week ahead...and that you are staying safe. We are still staying close to home for the most part, unless we go for a little drive.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Flowers from today...
I forget why I was standing right against the dining room window this morn, but I was and happened to glance down and there were these beauties open.
It had rained a little early this morn, and the raindrops glistened in the sun. I grabbed my phone and took a couple quick snaps.
It has been the usual day to day stuff here. A couple loads of wash, vacuuming, cooking, and dishes...
I intended to either go for a little drive or sew a few lines but did neither. Instead I sat out back and read a while...In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. I read it when I was still a teen-ager but could not remember details at all.
I hope everyone is safe and that things are going well for you.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Delta and the move
So, my daughter is officially moved...her other house is sold and the final paper will be signed today. I have had these pics 2 or 3 days and just not got around to posting them.
The move was really hard on Delta...she knew something was going on and was nervous. I think she was afraid of being left behind.
However, daughter found a TV show that kept her from being underfoot during the last bit of the packing...it was The Last Kingdom. It has shooting and horses, two of her favorite things. I sure hope that someday she meets a horse in real life and that I am there to see it. Of course she would probably bark and run get her ball to try to get it to play, and scare the horse to death.
Here she is at one of her favorite places to lay...she can lay there o the landing and watch both the front and back door. Notice Charlie on the 4th step on up. She was a bit upset with the move too, but has settled down. Daugher heard/felt her bound on the bed the other morn, and start purring real loud. She sat up to see, and she was up there snuggled against Delta. They are still the best of friends.
She also likes to go upstairs and watch out the windows from there. There is nothing dumb about her...she realizes she can see farther from there.
And here she is surveying her new kingdom...she is very happy that a neighbor has a dog. I forget what kind it is. But she loves having neighbor dogs.
The move was really hard on Delta...she knew something was going on and was nervous. I think she was afraid of being left behind.
However, daughter found a TV show that kept her from being underfoot during the last bit of the packing...it was The Last Kingdom. It has shooting and horses, two of her favorite things. I sure hope that someday she meets a horse in real life and that I am there to see it. Of course she would probably bark and run get her ball to try to get it to play, and scare the horse to death.
Here she is at one of her favorite places to lay...she can lay there o the landing and watch both the front and back door. Notice Charlie on the 4th step on up. She was a bit upset with the move too, but has settled down. Daugher heard/felt her bound on the bed the other morn, and start purring real loud. She sat up to see, and she was up there snuggled against Delta. They are still the best of friends.
She also likes to go upstairs and watch out the windows from there. There is nothing dumb about her...she realizes she can see farther from there.
And here she is surveying her new kingdom...she is very happy that a neighbor has a dog. I forget what kind it is. But she loves having neighbor dogs.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Flower moon...
I don't even remember what made me look for the moon night before last...but I did look. And I could see it through the clouds....and was a clear shot when I first looked. It took only about a dozen steps to pick up my camera and a dozen to get back outside and the clouds were moving...I give you three of the best versions I took. Above is the first.
And here are he 2nd and 3rd...
A bit different to the usual moon shots.
I was texting with Lorelei's mom last night and had not mentioned the moon, and she sent me the following shot...
She took it on her way to work yesterday morn...
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Just Three Minutes of your time...
I came across this today...I think today.
I hope you enjoyed it half as much as I did.
I hope you enjoyed it half as much as I did.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Our granddaughter now lives back in Indianapolis...1 1/2 hours away. So that is a big change. But one we will learn to deal with. No other choice.
Our other daughter is in the process of transferring to Indianapolis...from St. Louis, so while one daughter moved farther away, the other one is going to be a lot closer. They will live about 3 miles from each other...we have not been over yet to see their houses. Not sure when we will go. My older daughter has been moving smaller things, and the movers are bringing her furniture tomorrow.
Then there are other changes that are happening in other areas that I can't speak of on here...though sometimes I think about writing a secret blog just to have a place to put down my feelings. LOL I knew a blogger once that did that. It was open to the public, just no one knew it was her.
I just spent the entire afternoon trying to help Roger find something he wanted on here, hunted and hunted for the right one, right size, right color, etc...he made decisions. All this time, I seen no place where it mentioned for merchants only. I try to place the order, and it says it has no record of me being a merchant! I kid you not, I know I spent at least 2 hours, if not three sitting here doing that....I was so stiff I could hardly get up to go put clothes over in the dryer.
So, that was an afternoon spent...which I am almost glad it would not let me make the purchase. He has now decided to wait to see things in person if it ever gets back to normal. I was so afraid he would get it and it not be what he wanted. Since his stroke, he will sometimes say he wants this or that, and I have to make the decision if I can trust what he is saying. Sometimes I get it wrong. I will get what he says, and then he will swear it is not what he wanted...
John Prine
I have thought at different times about posting this...probably a lot of you have not heard of John Prine. He was a singer/songwriter. He died April 7 from Covid 19.
I had a night of watching this and that video about/by him. In one video he was driving around where he grew up in Illinois. He would point out some place and tell how it led to some certain song.
The one that stuck in my mind was this one...Hello in There. He said he had a friend that was a paper boy, and a lot of evenings he would ride around with him as he delivered the papers. And sometimes actually helped deliver. And they had a nursing home where they delivered papers. He said a lot of the residents treated them as if they were their own family....and that is what led to this song:
If you don't like this version, try listening to the one Brandi Carlile did. I really love her version.
"Hello In There"
We had an apartment in the city,
Me and Loretta liked living there.
Well, it'd been years since the kids had grown,
A life of their own left us alone.
John and Linda live in Omaha,
And Joe is somewhere on the road.
We lost Davy in the Korean war,
And I still don't know what for,
Don't matter anymore.
You know that old trees just grow stronger,
And old rivers grow wilder every day.
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say, "Hello in there, hello."
Me and Loretta, we don't talk much more,
She sits and stares through the back door screen.
And all the news just repeat itself
Like some forgotten dream that we've both seen.
Someday I'll go and call up Rudy,
We worked together at the factory.
But what could I say if he asks "What's new?"
"Nothing, what's with you? Nothing much to do."
You know that old trees just grow stronger,
And old rivers grow wilder every day.
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say, "Hello in there, hello."
So if you're walking down the street sometime
And spot some hollow ancient eyes,
Please don't just pass 'em by and stare
As if you didn't care, say, "Hello in there, hello."
Me and Loretta liked living there.
Well, it'd been years since the kids had grown,
A life of their own left us alone.
John and Linda live in Omaha,
And Joe is somewhere on the road.
We lost Davy in the Korean war,
And I still don't know what for,
Don't matter anymore.
You know that old trees just grow stronger,
And old rivers grow wilder every day.
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say, "Hello in there, hello."
Me and Loretta, we don't talk much more,
She sits and stares through the back door screen.
And all the news just repeat itself
Like some forgotten dream that we've both seen.
Someday I'll go and call up Rudy,
We worked together at the factory.
But what could I say if he asks "What's new?"
"Nothing, what's with you? Nothing much to do."
You know that old trees just grow stronger,
And old rivers grow wilder every day.
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say, "Hello in there, hello."
So if you're walking down the street sometime
And spot some hollow ancient eyes,
Please don't just pass 'em by and stare
As if you didn't care, say, "Hello in there, hello."
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