
After...The first picture is scanned in from actual photo taken a few years ago. I don't know just when. The roof was really looking bad; I was so afraid they would let the barn just waste away. Imagine how happy I was to find that it had been repaired this past fall! I hate to think about what it cost to repair it because it is a big barn!
A couple of OLD photos--from the time before my digital camera..I have the actual photos that I scanned in. This is a barn from here in Indiana, but right now I can't think where it is at. I do that sometimes...forget things that is. Plus, it doesn't help that a lot of time I go for drives and just take a side road and wonder around, not really knowing where I am, till I come to a major road and can maybe figure it out. I really don't know what I would do if I actually needed help...