Now to the fun part of this post...and I doubt if I can remember all Lorelei said that got our attention. The first thing, when we got over there to get her, she wanted me to go play with her. And she wanted me to help her get one of her dress up outfits on. Something was said about kings....I said I thought women and girls were queens and princesses.
Lorelei's response, "Yes, We are."
Well, all the time I am talking to her as she is dancing around, Roger and Sarah are looking at some knife she had and Roger is telling her something about them...Lorelei is still just dancing around. None of us had the slightest clue she was paying any attention to them.
Lorelei says, "Papaw really likes knives." Out of the mouths of babes....
The first night she was here...oh, you would have had to be here and be me to fully appreciate. We went to bed--she and I sleep in the spare bed. I read her a couple stories and turn off the light. And then if I told one story, I told ten. And I am NOT a good storyteller. But she doesn't realize that. Good thing.
All the time she is wiggling--kicking a foot, moving an arm. Anything to stay awake. And during the time of it we heard what sounded like a minor crash in the kitchen/bath area and she is asking what it was. I am trying to just shrug it off, till she will forget about it but in the back of my mind I am wondering what in the world the cats have found to get into now.
So, she continues jabbering...probably for half an hour after that...now mind you, that we have been in bed for an hour and a half....after another half hour passed, she says, "Mamaw--I have to go to the potty." So out of bed we get...turn the bathroom light on and her potty training seat is no longer on the potty. Take the time to go look at it...it is important to look at the above link for the understanding of the rest of the story.
I look beside the potty, I look in the tub...wondering if Roger has moved it. About that time he emerges and starts talking about the noise and that he never could figure out what made it. It hits me...you got to understand our Bubbie cat is a big boy...and not only do dogs drink from toilets, so does Bubbie cat.
So I tell him the I am looking for Lorelei's potty seat, and I start telling him I bet Bubbie tried to get a drink from the potty and got stuck in it...he tells me he was sitting there in the living room and a cat came flying through and was just a blur it was moving so fast...
Lorelei was just standing there listening...she started laughing so hard...I so wish I had taken the time to get the little camera to record her laugh...she laughed till she cried...or as she says, her eyes leaked. She would start to quiet down then she would look at me and say something about Bubbie in her potty seat and start laughing all over again. It is such a deep belly laugh...it is just contagious.
So that was the first night...hard to get her to sleep, but once she asleep, don't get up till 8:30 the next morning. We were busy all day Saturday....she blew bubbles, chased butterflies, played hopscotch, went to the park...just non stop action all day. She would barely take the time to eat. Then when night came, the last thing we did was watch The Fox and the Hound....she brushed her teeth and we went to bed.
She asked me something, and I tried to answer it. She says, "mamaw, stop talking now--I am tired." And was asleep in about 2 or 3 minutes.
BUT, she woke up about 4:30....her nose was stuffy, her eyes were bothering her...I think it is the matter that gets in the corners...I gave her benedryl and took a warm wet washrag and washed her face and let her hold it against her closed eyes..and she made a true effort to go back to sleep....she lay there and had me rub her back...for several minutes. I thought we had it made, and she sat up and started crying...said she wanted to go to her home now...she wanted to see her Mommy and her Daddy.
So we were up and on the road by about 5:45...we did just got to the edge of town and she was asleep, but we went ahead and went on. About half way there Roger stopped to get a coffee...while he was inside she woke up and started crying again...saying, "I want to go to my house." I thought for a minute she was really going to get wound up but she calmed down and went back to sleep...
Now when we got there, I got her out...and she latched herself to me and told me she wanted me to stay and play with her at her house.
I know I am forgetting things but these were the highlights that I keep thinking of over and over. And last night, she had her mom lay down with her in her bed...I don't know how long Sarah laid there, but she told her it was time for her to leave...she was tired.
In case you are wondering, not a single picture was taken while she was here...she keeps me so busy I don't even think about getting the camera out when it is just her here.