I don't remember how old we were, but we were in a barn up the road from our house. It is one he now owns, but back then it might have belonged to the previous owners. On past that barn was this creek...it had a kind of swampy feel about it. I don't ever remember doing much there...just one of those places you don't pay much attention to.
I know sometimes it would have big orange fish in it and we had no idea where they came from...and I am still not sure what they were. I don't know if they were fish people had in aquariums and turned loose there or what....down there, at that time, was not an area where people had aquariums.
Anyway, back to the point of this little story.....
I don't have any idea what my brother and I were doing, but we were up in that barn. He had an old homemade bow. There were a couple other kids out by the creek....they would probably have been about a block away from us...just to give you an idea of how far away they were. Of course by the barn were all kinds of stick weeds...my brother would have me sneak and get some of the weeds...it was late fall so they were dry and could just be broken off.
I don't know what he used to give the stick weeds weight enough to fly, but he used something and would shoot them almost straight up while aiming through a crack in the barn wall. (The 'arrow' was actually sticking through the crack.) I don't remember how many he shot before one hit close enough to the boys for them to even have a clue...I am not sure they ever knew for sure what was going on. I can remember them glancing around like they heard them hit. And I remember us just laughing and thinking we were really being funny....
I have no idea what possessed us to do that...I am sure we could have hurt someone. We were not trying to hurt them...we didn't even know them. I suppose we just wanted to be mysterious, or just the fact that they didn't know we were there was funny.