And then I saw all those perched along the river in Mary's post and realize I haven't seen anything yet. LOL
I had to do a couple things this morn, then I went down to Sarah's...we took Lorelei on her first visit to the library. She was attracted to some trucks and toys they had...and to the other kids. She just loves other little kids. One little girl was so quiet and so well behaved, but Lorelei made friends with her mommy. Another little girl talked to her a bit more.
What was fun was the drive there and back. Lorelei was in high form...she sat in her carseat doing her fake laugh trying to get us to laugh, which we did. It is just so funny to hear her. And she sang a little bit for us...such a sweet little voice.
I was sitting here looking back at some of the little videos of her...and Roger said 'you can almost see her halo.' I was also thinking how blessed she is to have her daddy. I was thinking about how when he walks in the room, her whole face just lights up...then I thought about that is the reaction she has when we she sees us. She sure makes life interesting.