I also felt the urge to go for a drive, again, didn't want to get out and it rain. So, I fooled around, cooked a late lunch, and finally decided it was not going to rain. I first went by West Union Bridge looking for the eagles that we have seen near there a couple times but no luck. I rambled around, only seeing wild turkeys in the wildlife department.
I saw calves at several places...and little bitty lambs. The lambs were always in a place I was afraid to stop for more than a second. I was on the final jog home...meaning I actually knew where I was at....and got the shot above.
This was at a farm where we actually know the owner...I had just waved as I passed him, and just on down the road a bit there in their pasture was this sight...I quick shot this shot...it is a bit out of focus but it still is probably my favorite of the day. I wish I had went back and asked Jim the story but they looked busy, plus I was thinking Roger probably wondered where in the world I was at. So I just took the one shot and headed on home...