I say that winter has arrived...and it definitely feels like it. It was so windy and cold today...the wind blew so hard that it was hard to stand still to take a photo during some of the gusts.

We ran through the strip pits just to get out a little bit...on entering we started seeing Northern Harriers right away...they were almost hanging in air with hardly a flap of their wings or anything. Just staying in place....

Other than the Northern Harriers, we saw several swans...I am not sure if the majority of them are tundra swans or trumpeter swans...probably tundra but I really don't know how to tell the difference.

But the pair above are mute swans...you can see if you click to enlarge the photo...

and again, more of the tundra or trumpeter swans...both flocks were too far away to get a decent photo.
So far, we just have a skim of snow...but the cold has settled in to stay it seems. And still are supposed to get more snow tonight, but I will believe it when I see it.