For the first time in a long while, Roger and I went on a rambling drive today...I kind knew where I wanted to start out at, and in fact most of the time gone was on roads we have been on before...with a few new ones thrown in.
However these below, and the ones I am going to show on
Time Stand Still are probably not ten miles from home, and certain not longer than a 10-15 minute drive...if even that. Be sure and check out the photos there....

You need to click on these to see them...specially the one above. There had been this little kestrel on the power line and every time I got near enough to even think about taking a photo, it would fly. Usually just past the next pole, but it skipped one and went on...I wondered why. Then gave a second look and there was this big hawk sitting on top of the light took off before we could stop.
In just a second here came the kestrel and looks like it was trying to knock the hawk right out of the sky! Just click the above is a tad bit blurry but there was no time to focus. I can't help but wonder if what the hawk thought, or if he had a head ache.

They proceeded to fly on; it was as if the kestrel was escorting the hawk away from its hunting territory....

In the end the hawk was fine and no worse for wear...