Lorelei was up here today...well, everyone was here. But she keeps us all entertained. We consider ourselves so blessed to have been able to have her as much as we did while she was so young. The minute she sees us she gets this big old smile on her face and she cannot wait to get out of her car seat. And she jabbers, talks and has so many expressions that she is more fun to watch than TV.
And I got to see her take a couple steps to Rachel, our older daughter. She has been taking steps at home but this was the first time for me to witness it. It won't be long until she is running around all over the place. And I do mean run...I have a feeling she is going to be like her mommy. When Sarah was little, she never just walked anywhere....she either ran, skipped, jumped. Never just a simple walk.
My quilt top I am working on is at least half done. In ways more than half since all the rest of the squares are cut, and I have a whole bunch of the rest of the blocks sewn into pairs, or twosies as we quilters call it when you join two parts.