So, we were past Terre Haute, but not to Spencer, and came to a major 4-way stop....I asked Roger did he mind taking a different route...so we head south still on a major road for a ways. Then we started through the country. Though I still didn't take a lot of photos, we sure seen some beautiful places. Places I want to go back to, preferably in the fall...I think the ridges and rolling hills would really be beautiful.
However, I seen this sign...it isn't beautiful or anything. I have no idea what it means, but I thought it funny....and would love to know the story behind it.
We had little Miss Busy Body with us all day yesterday...when she is here she just stays busy. When we got her in the house, we could not get her out of the car seat quick enough to please her....she was straining at the straps. I told her mom, when she is standing by something such as an end table or whatever...if you watch her feet, one of them is constantly feeling for something to climb up on. I bet she will be able to climb trees by the age of two...well, maybe not that young. But she will want to.