I can also remember the brother that is between Neal and I in age--he and I got some old car hood and used it. Talk about heavy! I think it came from a car that had been left on some property of ours, but not real sure. We had several places where we went sledding, and it is a wonder to God that we didn't get killed at a couple of the places. Especially this brother I am talking about being between Neal and I in age...he had no fear of anything and still doesn't.
And if I didn't go sledding, I loved taking the dogs and just taking off. I guess people today would call it hiking. But we didn't especially follow a path...I liked trying to track rabbits. Not to kill them or anything, just to try to find them and watch the dogs chase them. I never can keep it straight which way they are going...whether the wide apart tracks are the ones in front or behind. I guess I should look that up when I get off here. Now I call what we did rambling around, but back then I just called it 'going to play,' but I did until the day I moved to Indiana...and that was in 1975. I had my twentieth birthday that year.
Those dogs are long gone, and though I could still ramble on a big part of the land, there is quite a bit of it owned by people I don't know. And though my two brothers that still live in TN does know them, it is not quite the same...I would not feel free to do as we did as kids. Neal and I both talk about how we would love to be home one more time when it snows. But I am not sure it is ever going to happen.