I tried to post last night but blogger would not upload my pictures, not even singly. I am finding it hard to find time to post the past few days.

Yesterday we left here shortly before 10:00 to head over to Indianapolis for test at IUPUI on our oldest daughter. Did not get home till about 4:00 yesterday evening. IUPUI is a big teaching hospital complex for Indiana University/Purdue University.

I had Roger's little camera in the car and wondered why I hadn't taken it inside...it was just beautiful to look out from the fourth flour at all the white puffy clouds.

So on the way home, I snapped a few more shots through the windshield. Ignor the time stamped...I didn't take time to correct it.

By the time we got home, the clouds had gotten much smaller and risen higher in the sky. And then a lot of them disappeared. I didn't have the opportunity I thought I would to get out and take some with my good camera. The little point and shoot does not even have a view finder to look through--depends totally on the screen and it is very hard to see when outside.
Today soon as my younger daughter gets home from a doctor's appt. we are headed over there again. So I will be pressed for time to even visit my normal blogs.