I took a chance and ran out to the strip pits this evening...I really left it too late to go. By the time I got out there the sun was low behind clouds and the lighting was low. However, my trusted Rav4 and I crawled along at a snail's pace, trying to see something of interest. A car met us not long after we entered the area, and whether due to them, or due to my timing I did not see much at all. Not much was moving...not even birds.
There are areas out there that are bigger than your average mud puddle, but cannot be classified as a pond. They are almost completely dry, so nothing moving in them.
The one above is definitely a strip pit, but I don't think it is too deep because I see moss over a big portion of it if looking from the right angle.
When I got to this view point, I had to take a picture...it was trying to work up to a storm and had that weird cast of light. There was lightning in the distance, and if I had not left my sewing machine plugged in, as well as my netbook....I would probably have stayed out there a while. I have always wanted to be out there during a storm.
Anyway, click on the picture above...it will get bigger and it is such a peaceful view to look at.
Roger spent a big portion of the day spreading some gravel we had delivered the other day. I had some laundry on the line, which I always throw in the dryer for just a few minutes. In that was a pair of old work shorts of Rogers that had a pocket with a hole in it. I spent time replacing it this afternoon...I had replaced the other one a year or so ago.
I am not quite sure how much sense that made...they are CHEAP shorts from Walmart...so not worth much considering their age. But we fooled around and waited too long to buy any new ones for him...his size was no longer available when we began looking a while back.
This, and some comments a friend made about buying candles and house decorations led me to think about how each of us are. I very seldom buy house decorations...the kind for the individual seasons....with the exception of Christmas. I like the others...I do not know why I don't buy for them. I love walking into her house and seeing what she has set out. It gives a home such a welcoming feel.
I have bought my share of candles...and still buy a few along. I love candles....always have and always will. I don't feel guilty about it.
I don't know if any other women do this, but I used to feel guilty for spending money for things I wanted...and even some things I needed. I have no idea why I was that way. I can remember buying a can opener and feeling guilty and knowing how stupid I was. That was when I was very young and first married.
And no, the guilt didn't develop after I was married, it was there before. A lot of women have tons of clothes and shoes....I have never been one for that. I like to have a few things I like real well, and as long as I have three or four pair of jeans and maybe a pair of khakis, I am good to go. Now, if I didn't have a problem with one of my feet, I might have a garage full of shoes by now....cause I always did love shoes and purses.
I no longer feel guilty spending money on things I want...well, not much anyway. If I feel guilty about anything, it is the amount of fabric I have. But I don't feel guilty for long.