Roger and I each received one of these coffee cups from Lorelei's mom. She got them from an artist in Little Nashville...which is what we call Nashville, IN. It is so beautiful....but I do use it. And every time I use it, it brings me joy.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
A little post
Roger and I each received one of these coffee cups from Lorelei's mom. She got them from an artist in Little Nashville...which is what we call Nashville, IN. It is so beautiful....but I do use it. And every time I use it, it brings me joy.
Friday, January 22, 2021
This and that....
Just in case you did not find the car, here it is.
This has started has two blooms open with at least four more to come.
What do you know...maybe an hour later, I get a notice that I had an instant message from a FB friend...and she is an old friend I have known at least 40+ years. so we caught up with each other...she was always one that we could work together in the kitchen, or just whatever. It is strange how you can be good friends, but totally lose track of each other.
I don't spend much time on FB...but this is the second friend to contact me in the past week or so. This other friend was worried because she had not seen a post from me in so long.
I have been doing some odds and ends of things this day that have needed doing for a long time. I am weary this night...I have not sewn a stitch today. But I will before the night is over. So far, I have spent time sewing every day of this year. I will be lucky to make it through the month of January.
Monday, January 18, 2021
A bit of a catch-up
First I give you grandpup Rosie...Lorelei's little dog. She just loves her family so much. Sarah was trying to do some work from home one evening, and could not get any peace till she made Rosie a bed close to her in the office/craft area.
And below is Copper trying to snuggle with Delta.
I think if I were Delta I would be losing my patience. But she seldom does.
Roger is still not normal. He is definitely better than he was for a bit. But wish he could just feel what is normal for him.
Their scent was so strong it smelled up the whole house. I even wondered was it causing Roger's headache..
I finished this puzzle sometime last week. It took me forever, but there were days I did not even touch it. But dark greens are the hardest color for me to work.
It was one of those with the crazy pieces. Which normally don't bother me. But on this puzzle I thought I had lost a piece to the very end. And we won't mention the time I spent looking and looking for one piece, only to find it UNDER an extra lamp I set on the puzzle for extra light.
Monday, January 11, 2021
Another week gone...
These are the new 'flowers' since the last picture.
Life in Pieces hosts 15 Minutes to Stitch....and to be fair, I heard about it through Shasta at the High Road Quilter. Though I have not officially linked, I have been trying to sew/mess with fabric every day. And have been successful thus far.
A somewhat rough week has just passed. Roger has fallen twice, in the house, in the past week. Was not really hurt at all either time. Once he was bending over, and just fell on forward. It was like in slow motion. Then last night he was bent over, pulling the tv tray to him and shuffling backwards. In between those falls he was dizzy for about 3 days...(I was dizzy for a day or two myself, but I felt like I was getting a cold. Roger never felt sick and the first fall was before he started feeling dizzy and the last fall happened after he was pretty much back to normal)
BUT, guess what he said last night about a minute after he fell? I don't remember just how he said it, but it was 'Since I am so light on my feet....' He was trying to lighten my spirits cause it just about makes me sick when he falls.
The dr. had increased the dosage on one of his meds, and I read where it could cause dizziness. So I took him to the dr. to make sure he did not have an ear infection, and he said to go back to the lower dosage. And soon as I did the dizziness left him
Also have had new shocks put on our car, and being that it all of a sudden started using a lot more gas, I had spark plugs and air filter is not back to normal. Thank God. Roger always took care of sparkplugs and filters...the shocks we would have had done. And our son-in-law offered to do them, but he was working so much overtime at the time I did not want to take away what free time he might happen to get.
Monday, January 4, 2021
Lighter notes...

Now for some laughter....the following happened just a couple of hours ago...I swear to goodness I am not making this up.
A little background is Roger takes his watch off fairly often and loses it for a short while...usually when he is working out in his shop, or sometimes when he showers.
So tonight we were sitting here and out the corner of my eye, I saw him looking at his right wrist but I didn't think anything of it. He looked at me and said, "Well, Rosemary, (Mary is my middle name) I have lost my watch again." He was totally serious...and he started to get up to go look for it and says, "NO, I didn't it's right here...on my left wrist!"
Oh, how we have laughed...I can still see the look on his face. He got up and went in the kitchen and yelled at me, Hey I found my feet--they are on the end of my legs...Hey, I bet I could find two new cars out in the garage.....and on and on.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
A Copper update...
Friday, January 1, 2021
Happy New Year!
My one and only actual puzzle finish this winter.
What is bad is even with it setting over there to work, I still wanted to work jigsaw puzzles on line. What is your favorite place to work puzzles on line. Right now mine is Jigsaw Planet. The positive thing about it is that I can choose the number of pieces. The negative thing that dislike about it is I cannot set just a plain white background. Or a plain background of any kind...they are textured, no matter what color is chosen.
I have also tried Jigidy and I like it...and there is another I used to use, but cannot remember the name of it. So, if you have tried a site and really like it, leave a comment.