Today Bubbie came home from the vet...he had to go in yesterday to have the pin taken out of his leg. He was still too groggy to come home yesterday evening, so I went and got him first thing this morning. He was just soooo happy to get home.
This morn Roger and a buddy of his that retired at the same time decided to go get breakfast...and after they ate, Roger took him to show him a few of our favorite fishing holes.

They didn't get home till after lunch, and soon as his buddy left, we headed to this place south of Linton, Indiana called Goose Pond. It is a Fish and Wild Life Area. It was a big area, but we really didn't see much. We saw a few mallards, some geese, and these birds....I hope
Mary or
Leedra or someone can tell me what they are. I am too tired to look them up. These two photos are cropped sections of the same photo.

From this area we went to the Greene-Sullivan State Forrest. I must say that while we were a little disappointed in Goose Pond Fish and Wildlife Area, the Greene-Sullivan State Forrest was very nice surprise. It is an old, old strip pit area. and lots and lots of strip pits, and a couple or three reservoirs that we seen. Excellent places to go fishing.
We actually fished a little bit at two or three of them...but apparently we were there at the wrong time of day or something. I caught one little bluegill, and Roger only got a couple or three hits. I can't wait to go back when it gets a little bit warmer.
I need to post this and see about getting settled in for bed. It feels so good to be home...even though I love going to places like that, I am always glad to be back in my own home in my own chair.
Update: Thanks go out to Deb of
Notes from the Cloud Messenger for telling me that these are American coots.