I have listened to 7 CDs of an audio book while doing it and each one is approx 75 minutes long, plus I have watched TV some of the time.
It is not perfect, but hopefully it will be finished one of these days.
On the subject of snow, we only got a little bit of frozen ice Friday night, and it did not last. A lot of snow melted yesterday, and today it has rained lightly all day long. More snow is gone...while our neighbors yard is almost bare of snow, ours still has inches on it. From the drifting, I suppose. It is 40ยบ as I type this; if it stays this warm the rest should be gone soon.
I have a question for everyone. I love the pop-up window comment form, I use it on mine, but the other day all of a sudden whenever I clicked to comment on a blog, including my own that had the pop-up window type of comment form, it pops up but as a whole new window! I have not changed anything that I am aware of. I have been looking on the settings trying to find a way to change it, but not finding anything.
It does not do it when I use Explorer, so I am wondering is it a blogger/Firefox issue. Other sites that have pop-up windows are not effected while using Firefox. This makes me think it isn't Firefox, which I had first thought. Is there something I am missing???