Just a little offering for Sky Watch. Sky Watch is a meme to join and share your photos of the sky....believe me, I see some awesome shots every time I start visiting.

These top three photos are more from when we went up north last week to Willow Slough and Jasper-Pulaski Wildlife areas.

It was sure awesome to see the sky changing the way it did. And I loved the silhouette effect it gave everything.

Now this bottom photo was taken just last night on the way to Terre Haute...it was definitely on the way to being dark when we decided to run down there. I told Roger I was taking my camera cause I always regretted it when I didn't.

I only took about a dozen shots and this was my pick of them. I was shooting out my side window and when you going 55 mph down a highway, with telephone poles, it is hard to take pictures between them. Or at least it is for me...some of the time. I honestly think that sometimes they are a bit farther apart...but maybe it is that we just aren't going quite the speed limit.
Anyway, if you want to join, or just check out the views from around the world, click on the badge at the top of the page. Also, these photos should all enlarge and I think the bigger they are, the better.