The kids came down and spent Friday night, then Saturday after they went home I started feeling like I was getting sick...and did. Sore throat, stuffy nose, all those lovely symptoms. Sunday was the only day where I didn't know if I was going to live or not...haha....you know how you feel that first day? Not really that bad, but still not fun.
Each day since, I get up feeling kind bad, but feel pretty good by evening. I actually got dressed and was out and about a little bit today. And even came home and sewed. The first time I have touched my machine in almost a week.
Anyway, that is why I haven't been blogging...still weary and starting 'the cough' now. Everyone we talk to has either had it or knows someone that has had it, so I know I am not the only one.
Not sure when I will be back to blogging regularly, but hopefully soon.