Our family is going through transitions...Lorelei will probably be moving in the near future. Not too far away, but not so easy to just drop by. We celebrated her mom's birthday yesterday by having a cookout. It was sort of bittersweet, knowing it
And our other daughter is taking a new job...she will go to training for four months starting next month, then be moving to the Los Angeles area. Kind of hard to describe what that feels like; I am happy because it is what she wants to do. Yet I dread her being so far away.
Anyway, this award just sort of brightened the day for me...made me think about Lorelei and the joy she is. I am really hating that her auntie will be moving so far away from her, but maybe in two or three years she can transfer back closer to home, cause Lorelei sure loves her.
I was supposed to help Lorelei decide who is going to be the recipient of the Beautiful Blogger award and was having a hard time deciding. Then I thought, now if I were Lorelei, who would I give the award to? And then it was sort of easy...I am giving it to Scout, the Bernese Mountain Dog. As much as she loves dogs and cats, it such an obvious choice...and just looking in his eyes, I bet he would love her.