Normally I can stand down on little sandbar right close to the above tree and fish. And over across at the trees out in the water...there is usually a Great Blue Heron that wades the water along through there trying to catch its own dinner. You can see it here...it is on up the creek a little farther than this but not by much cause I stood not too far up from this tree to take that picture.
After leaving there, we drove on down to Mansfield...Roger took these too pics. Normally there is a rock ledge down that the water rushes over...look here for a pic when it is normal.
Notice where the water is at under this little footbridge, then look here to see what is closer to normal, but even in it, the creek is up. Look how much lower the water is under the foot bridge in it.
Needless to say, I am beginning to think we will get to wade this creek and fish this summer. And I doube that we are going to get to take Lorelei there to fish and play.