I tried to get the papers filled out for my husband's retirement by calling one of the ladies at his work. We decided it would be better to meet at the training center Wednesday. I have also ran to Wal-mart and by the grocery store. I did a load of towels today, though they are still in the dryer. I cleaned out a bunch of stuff out of my fridge and fixed supper.
And, when Roger got home, we got my quilt hanger up that my friend had her husband make me for my birthday in November. I really like the picture that is above it, and just chose to have it down lower than maybe I would have otherwise. I also pulled out a few more Christmas decorations. But still I have not attempted to put lights on the tree. I had hopes of picking up some extra strands of lights at Walmart but they did not have any at all except outdoor ones that hang like icicles off the edge of the roof.
So I came home without any. I might try some other places tomorrow.
The cat in the above picture is Mama Cat....she is so content.
oh, my daughters' grandmother had a cat years ago named Mama Kitty. She looked kind of like your cat too! Hope you feel better and enjoy the Holidays! If you get a minute, swing by my blog- I've got some links to some easy giveaways you can enter just by commenting on!