The other day I read this Survivors post by Sandra..it reminded me to do this post about food.
When I was a kid, to get a can of Vienna sausages was such a treat, or a can of Campbell's soup. Bologna sandwiches were few and far between for the most part, and to have a fried bologna sandwich---well, now I still love fried bologna sandwiches. The round steak of the south--who can beat it.
Every now and then I just have to get a can of those vienna sausages, but they are just not near as good as I remember them. I always cut one in half an then break a cracker in half and that is my sandwich. You do know that there is a grain to crackers...usually you break it with the grain and it breaks without much mess but if you break it across the grain--well, if I break it across the grain I have a pile of crumbs and it is in pieces.
And then there is crackers....I LOVED crackers as a kid...still do in fact. But again, we did not always have crackers back then. Most of the time we did, but at times they were scarce. Do you remember they used to not come in tubes of the squares. Instead they were left 4 squares together? They were easily broken into 4 individual squares. Anyway, I can remember taking a package of them every now and then and hiding them! I didn't want to share I guess! I don't know why...no one else ate them like I did.
I loved to just sit and spread butter on them and eat them that way...and still do that once in a blue moon. And I loved crackers with jelly. Now Roger still has crackers with butter and jelly every time we have chili. He says that is what they always served together when he was a kid...I think at school. And I still like crackers with butter and jelly, but I don't think about having them but once or twice a year.

Oh, how I loved it back then. I would love to know if my brothers liked it as much as I did or if it was just something to fill their stomach. Such a treat it was. Now, I actually dislike the 'Healthy Request' version of it--I don't know what the did to it but it is some nasty stuff in my opinion. Not that I still love the original...but every now and then would get a can and have it for old time's sake.
And do they still make the little pizza kits? I think they cost a dollar...or maybe a few cents over. It came with the mixture for making the crust...I think all I had to do was add water. And it had this little can of sauce....I don't remember what or if it had some kind of meat in it. Then there was the cheese to spread on top. We thought we were in heaven if mom got one of those for me to make.
And almost ever night we popped a BIG pan of popcorn...we used a metal dishpan and it would be about half full...it was probably 18 or 20 inches in diameter and 6 inches deep. Mom would have her own little bowl, and I think one of my brothers would sometimes have one cause he laid in the floor to watch TV. We would eat it all...none left except the grains that did not even begin to pop.
Just every so often, we would make french fries for a snack...or if it was winter, before we got the furnace, we would put a potato in the heating stove...but I don't remember just how we done that. I just remember that being real treat.
Then there is the food that instantly transports you back to another time and place. One of those for me is actual round steak breaded and fried, white rice with butter and salt and pepper, and green beans. I only fix that once in a blue moon now, but that instantly takes me back to when Roger and I lived in Tennessee. It was a favorite meal back then. And I still love it for the memories associated with it.
If we go to pizza hut and get the chocolate dunking sticks, the chocolate syrup they give us to dip them in reminds me so much of the chocolate syrup my mom made for us to dip our biscuits in.
Well, this is getting way too long...will close with telling you that it was 108ºF here yesterday afternoon, and it is expected to be almost that hot again today...one weather station predicts 105 and the other 107.
A great looking bicycle shot. I enjoyed reading of your favorite snacks as a kid.
ReplyDeletei love that picture. it's great... but it's your foods that have my attention. i loved bologna sandwiches with mayonnaise and am wishing i could have one right now. i used to love vienna sausages too. but when i grew up i didn't like the taste anymore. if you ate my home cooked chicken noodle soup you wouldn't like the campbell's chicken noodle any more. i use the cream of mushroom, cream of chicken and cream of celery to fix other great home cooked meals as opposed to eating them alone. i love the buttery tasting crackers. i've never tried putting butter on the cracker though or jelly. i can remember when crackers came in a square of four. you don't see that now though. temps here are supposed to reach a high of 103. right now we're at 97... hope all is well. have a great day~
ReplyDeletei love saltines, always have, and they were always in 4 squares when i was younger. we now buy the ones without salt on the outside and we like them even better. the dogs love them to. we both like butter or jelly or both on them. mother never bought canned soup, since daddy grew all our food and she canned it and made her own soups. but when i was raising my kids, they are 45 and 47 now, i raised them on campbell soups, my favorite is the tomato but it does not taste as good as it did back them.
ReplyDeleteGreat photo and I enjoyed your food memories. I use Campbell's soups to make gravy for pot roast. I prefer homemade soups for eating with saltines. We are hot here in GA, too. Looking forward to a break in this heat!
ReplyDeleteThat bicycle is too cool! Yup - should plant flowers in the basket. Interesting to read about your childhood foods.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cook bike - I love your shot of it :))
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny how we can really love foods as a kid but when we grow up we don't like them nearly as much. It's always a disappointment.
Some foods really do bring back memories, don't they? Mashed potatoes made like my grandma made them with REAL butter. (My mother served them with margarine, and it was not the same.) And fresh plums in summer, a Sunday afternoon treat at my grandparent;s place.
ReplyDeleteI always wondered how hard it would be to get on one of those old big wheel bikes and ride it. Seems so strange! I remember my mother's home made french fries as one of my favorite foods as a kid. She wouldn't make them very often, but I would always beg for them on birthdays. They were so good! I remember the pizza kits, although we only did it a few times. That was the first and only pizza I ever had until I went to college. I had no idea what a real pizza tasted like until then.